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News & Announcements

Our both competitions, the Annual Mathympics and the Visual-Spatial Mathlympics are conducted in the Written-Paper mode in ONE round


The Visual-Spatial Mathlympics is a concept competition that poses carefully curated questions that draws on the overarching theme of Visual-Spatial Intelligence and Mathematics. We hope to help foster a new generation of spatially literate pupils who are proficient and established in thinking spatially, being able to approach problems through their knowledge of concepts of space and the appropriate processes of spatial reasoning.


The Annual Mathympics is an original idea that was inspired by athletics. It comprises two segments. The Vault segment contains challenging questions which put the mathematical prowess of our mathlympians to the test. The Sprint segment is a speed round where our mathlympians have to solve as many questions as they can, quickly and accurately.

These competitions give pupils an achievement to add to their portfolio, especially if they are looking to applying to schools offering Math, STEM or STEAM for their DSA.  

The 3rd Visual-Spatial Mathlympics 2024  will take place on 16 April 2024. 
results will be released to the schools on 3 May 2024.


The 17th Annual Mathympics 2024 will take place on 4 July 2024.

The results will be released to the schools on 2 Aug 2024.






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