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Origami for Spatial Development

We have developed a set of 60 Origami activities for pupils to enjoy and at the same time develop their spatial perception.

Click here for some of the animated PowerPoint solutions.

(Sale of this set of Origami activity sheets is only via bulk order by schools.)

Our Visual & Spatial Intelligence Programmes (P1-6)

We are taking the bold step to empower schools with the material we have developed over all these years. We will license schools to use our material and we also conduct training sessions so that teachers are empowered to use these materials.


By empowering the school teachers to use our material with their own pupils, and during the time which works best for all parties, we hope to minimize disruptions and inefficiencies so as to optimize the learning outcomes of the pupils.

This activity-based series of programmes is built on the premise that children learn Spatial and Math concepts best through hands-on experience with concrete objects. It translates the belief that manipulatives offer an innovative and effective approach to learning Math into meaningful learning experiences for pupils. The manipulatives which pupils will work with include Pattern Blocks, Pentominoes, Geoboards, Soma Cubes and many more.

There is a programme to cater to each of the six levels from P1 to P6. 

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